Gems in Vedas

Gems in Vedas

Blog Article

Gems possess exceptional energies that can combat negative factors in a person’s karmic path. This truth has been reiterated in various sacred ancient scriptures such as the Vedas, Puranas, and other Sanskrit texts.

We are living on a small planet, gravitating through space at this very moment, surrounded by billions of celestial bodies like the moon, sun, other planets, and stars.

An extract from Chapter 104 of the Brihat Samhita—one of the most significant works of ancient Indian astronomy, written by Varahamihira in the 6th century A.D.—states:

Translation: The position of planets and their movement through the signs of the Zodiac influences various human affairs. The effect of each planet varies for different signs.

This principle is echoed in other ancient texts in various words and languages. It forms the foundation of Vedic Astrology, often referred to as the “eye of the Vedas,” as it provides guidance to individuals feeling lost or confused on their life’s journey.

Vedic Astrology focuses on the nine Grahas, whose forces can influence the mind and decision-making of humans. The nine Grahas are:

Sun (Surya)
Moon (Chandra)
Mars (Mangala)
Mercury (Budha)
Jupiter (Brihaspati)
Venus (Shukra)
Saturn (Shani)
Rahu (North Lunar Node)
Ketu (South Lunar Node)
When the Grahas are active in their Daśās (periods), they are especially powerful in directing the affairs of a person. Even when not in their periods, the Grahas influence us in various ways, both positive and negative. There are six pathways to alter a negative karmic map: Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Aushadha, Yagna, and Ratna (gemstones). Among these, gemstones (Ratna) provide the simplest method for achieving significant life changes.

Various sacred Indian texts detail the benefits of gemstones and their profound effects on a person’s life. Here are a few extracts:

Atharva Veda Khand 19 Sukt 6 states, “Gemstones are auspicious and possess multifaceted vital powers that aid in various phases of life. They are filled with energy, endowed with radiance, have powerful effects, and bring sweet results.”
Garuda Purana Achara Khand Chapter 68 mentions, “Gemstones have the power to absolve sins and serve as a counteracting force against poison, snake bites, diseases, and other dangers.”
Brihat Samhita Chapter 80 says, “A person’s fortune is tied to the gemstones they possess. A natural stone can bring prosperity, while a used or treated stone can bring misery.”
Gemstones are classified into three categories: gems of heaven, gems of hell, and gems of Earth. Among these, nine stones are particularly powerful, linked to the nine Grahas. These stones are:

Ruby – Gem of the Sun (Surya)
Pearl – Gem of the Moon (Chandra)
Red Coral – Gem of Mars (Mangala)
Emerald – Gem of Mercury (Budha)
Yellow Sapphire – Gem of Jupiter (Brihaspati)
Diamond – Gem of Venus (Shukra)
Blue Sapphire – Gem of Saturn (Shani)
Hessonite and Cat’s Eye – Gems of Rahu gemstone and Ketu (North and South Lunar Nodes)
These nine gemstones, known as the Navratnas, have been used for centuries to counterbalance planetary imbalances and to enhance the benefits of the auspicious Grahas.

In conclusion, we at Rudratree 102 Century believe in the ancient wisdom mentioned in the Atharva Veda Khand 19 Sukt 46 Mantra 1:

“Gemstones possess invincible power to bring might, vigour, long life, splendour, energy, and strength. Let these stones guide and protect you in your life.”

For more information, visit our website: Rudratree or contact us at 6363404057.

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